Monday, 26 February 2018

The True Love Story

You never know when or where you are going to meet your true love. There has been countless examples of true love throughout history. And deep down I just wanted to find it. The fact is, true love can be incredible. It is real and it can happen. Let's just say a real man never stops trying to show a girl how much she means to him, even after he has her. True love happens when she becomes more to you then you mean to yourself. True love happens when you not only want to be the sunshine of her life, but also when you want to be her moonlight, so that you can shine for her even in her darkest of times. True love happens when that moment she slips into your arms you are the closest to heaven you have ever been. True love happens when her lips touch yours; you know that you could maybe live to be 100, or visit every country, but nothing can compare to that moment when just enough sparks fly to tell you that this love would last forever. True love happens when you guys talk she not only completes you, but compliments you. True love happens when you know that you could not take one more step into the unknown future without her. Sometimes you just can't tell anyone how you feel about them, not because you don't know why, not because you don't trust this person, but because you know that you don't have the right words to help them understand. Understand the full spectrum. True love can often be like rocket science. And other times it can be the best thing that has ever happened to you. True love does not disappoint. True love isn't this sudden on set of feelings, but most definitely is ongoing process that unites oneself to another. I never could imagine what my world would be like if I didn't find what true love really is.

I guess it just all started when I broke my ankle in Africa. And you're probably wondering how breaking your ankle in Africa is connect to true love. Well let me tell you, they are in my love story. After breaking my ankle I came back home to America and found myself in a tough situation. I knew I needed to get a job so I wasn't sitting around the house. I wasn't really seeking one out. But when I ended up taking my sister and her friend to a burger place, well my life would change. I started working and that's when I met her. Honestly I was a little desperate at first, but I came to realize that something deep inside me was becoming attracted to her. And slowly she reeled me in. The night I realized I loved her was something else. I wish I could describe the feeling I felt but it's hard to put into words so that you may understand it. I guess that could be the rocket science part I'm talking about. That night I completely forgot about myself and she became more to me. The way she makes me feel is beyond anything I can explain. The future looks unknown to me, and I could not imagine a world without her. Sparks flew when we had our first kiss; Just the right amount to tell me that it would last forever. She is my sunshine and moonlight. She is my lighthouse. She is everything to me. She not only completes me but compliments me. I love her for her! We are not perfect. But together we will become perfect. That night she became everything to me, well the future became brighter. My life became happier. That is what True love feels like.

So True love is real. True love can happen. Go out and find that for yourself.

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